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I think it's a bad move.

You have to figure that this will probably piss off their core fanbase horribly and likely alienate many of them the same way Nintendo would alienate non-gamers by suddenly going entirely "hardcore" and shipping Wiis with MP3 instead of Wii Sports.

I think they should've stuck it out, settled for 2nd place until the end of this generation, and launched the 720 with motion controls, etc.

I don't see this bringing in the casual/non-gamer market, but I see it pissing off many hardcore gamers because they'll feel MS is betraying them like Nintendo allegedly betrayed their fans by aiming away from the hardcore.

"I mean, c'mon, Viva Pinata, a game with massive marketing, didn't sell worth a damn to the "sophisticated" 360 audience, despite near-universal praise--is that a sign that 360 owners are a bunch of casual ignoramuses that can't get their heads around a 'gardening' sim? Of course not. So let's please stop trying to micro-analyze one game out of hundreds and using it as the poster child for why good, non-1st party, games can't sell on Wii. (Everyone frequenting this site knows this is nonsense, and yet some of you just can't let it go because it's the only scab you have left to pick at after all your other "Wii will phail1!!1" straw men arguments have been put to the torch.)" - exindguy on Boom Blocks