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Pagan said:
StarOcean said:

It’s not 50-50. Only 30% of Americans voted last election and even less of that % voted Trump. The Republicans need to put him on a leash. He straight up said no to Congress yesterday and there have been no repercussions. This is the weakest and most fragile group of people leading, “leading” a country I’ve ever seen. Half the problems from Trump wouldnt be a problem if they actually had balls

The problem is that the Globalization was too fast for some people. We are humans. Still today in some parts of the world people are living in tribes. It is in our genetics. And for some people that was just simply too fast. Instead of understanding their side you are cutting them off. Trumps voters are not racists. Just a small part. They are just not ready to change so fast. The founders of the Globalization didnt thought that to the end. 

Did you just say it's understandable to be racist because of genetics?

Please tell me that is not what you just said.

"You should be banned. Youre clearly flaming the president and even his brother who you know nothing about. Dont be such a partisan hack"