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I Perdict said:
disolitude said:
I Perdict said:
Disolitude - did you at least beat resistance to get a background information for the 2nd. I dont want you to go into the 2nd one not really knowing whats going on. It might ruin your experience.

I did. I like the story...combat and graphics I hope they change in part 2.

"Scale and Hale".... they want to put the battles on a bigger scale. Also they are going with a 2 weapon scheme... I think they felt like giving the player a choice between so many weapons through the game the player would just use his favorite one the whole time. I'm guessing they'll make you use different weapons at different locations. Kinda force you to use all the weapons in the game but still leave the option open to which ones you want to use type of thing...

how does that sound to you?

Yah, sounds good. Like I said...ill try it. But Resistance 1 was hyped cause it was the only decent launch title... Otherwise it was just an average shooter in my opinion. So I am a little bit more cautious this time around...