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DonFerrari said:
Leadified said:

Then there is no irony. The fedualists said the same thing about capitalism, there was heavy resistance to rationalism in Europe and the church and aristocrats feared the bourgeoisie. Certain extreme reactionary ideologies such as fascism continue to preach about how unnatural capitalism is and how it has lead to the degeneration of man. 

You are a funny person. So please enlighten me on what society, animal or anything do socialism works as promised and when did you see humans in majority willing to work all for the same result independent of the work done... several independent trials of socialism have gone wrong due to the accommodation and exploration of laid back individuals.

Right, this is why the Soviet Union managed to become one of the most powerful countries in the world in the span of a few decades, because people just sat back and relaxed. How people believe these myths about "laid back individuals" is beyond me. Will you also blame "socialism" when automation will inevitably wipe out millions of jobs and force people to live off a basic wage from the government?

Last edited by Leadified - on 29 January 2018