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Kasz216 said:
I Perdict said:

It's cherry picking because you compared a demo to a full game and a last gen game to a next gen game...

Let me do it better than you

GT - 94.7% - 21 reviews - 10.85 mil
GT2 - 92.5% - 25 reviews - 9.37 mil
GT3 - 94.2% - 78 reviews - 14.88 mil
GT4P - unrated - 1.36 mil (70 on metacritic with 16 reviews)
GT4 - 89.1% - 91 reviews - 10.06 mil
GT5P - 80.1% - 59 reviews - 2.23 mil

Forza - 93% - 85 reviews - 1.01 mil
Forza2 - 89.8% - 77 reviews - 3.89 mil

You also rounded up Forza and rounded down GT

I would say the 10% more GT5P has and the 870k extra sales it looks fantastic for GT5...

How?  It being on a last gen system shouldn't effect metacritic scores at all.   

It doesn't effect scores but he is comparing the quality of a new game that will obviously beat out a last gen game.