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TheGamer_1995 said:
sc94597 said:

I think it is wrong to compare how successful the game is with respect to the 3DS titles, because the 3DS is no longer an option for Monster Hunter (it's slowly dieing) and therefore no opportunity cost exists where Capcom would release MH5 for the 3DS and get a ton of sales. They were thinking about the future of the series after the 3DS passed away, and that meant multiplatform on home consoles.

The only thing they didn't consider was the Switch's success, but it is perfectly easy to re-purpose MHW's assets for Switch Monster Hunter games. 

Remember, Capcom loves to recycle and re-release Monster Hunter games.

It only makes sense for Capcom to regret MHW if there were a better alternative, but there wasn't. Now there might be (Switch), but they could just as easily make games for all platforms, including Switch from now on and get just as much profit as they did with the 3DS. 

The more you think about it,the more you realize that Capcom had to do things the way they did with the knowledge they had. Now they have new knowledge, and will do different things. 

I think the main reason for Capcom was to popularize MH in the West and what consoles are more fit for the job than the classic PS4/Xone combo.

The Switch and PS4.

"The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must" - Thoukydides