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Pemalite said:
HoloDust said:

I wouldn't pay much attention to what AMD is claiming - go to GFX Bench and look up 2700u vs 7850 (which is around PS4's performance) - it's more than 2x slower.

AMD will get there eventually, but not just yet - and they need to have SoC that is capable of running PS4 games as they are, not with lower res/settings like with Switch where games are made from the start for both modes.

The 2700u is bandwidth starved, The GPU is easily far more efficient... But when you hold it back with dual-channel DDR4 memory @ 2400mhz, it's not going to be setting any records on fire.

I was hoping AMD might bring back Sideport or introduce a chunky eDRAM-like cache.

Most likely - on paper it has the juice - but than again, my bet would be it's with fully clocked GPU @25W, not at handheld TDP levels.

I always tend to go with iPad numbers running games when it comes to portable devices - 9-10W at most. Switch running BotW is 8.9W, so about that range. I guess handheld could be made that consumes 20W in similar situation, which would give it better performance, but I'm not so sure it's viable business desicion.