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Decided to download and install Subnautica since the final release came out recently. Found out it runs like absolute gutter trash on my rig and I'm not entirely sure as to why it is, considering I've been watching Streamers like Jacksepticeye and Markiplier playing the game over the past few years and theirs ran fine.

I've submitted feedback to the devs and their twitter account as well, but I highly doubt I'll be seeing any optimisation done soon, as they've apparently posted about that issue 6 months back and nothing has been done since.

I can run Witcher 3, Ark, Deus Ex MKD, Conan Exiles and many more AAA and early access titles fine, yet this game and Seven: Days long gone run like absolute trash.

I was actually a bit giddy and happy to finally play the game, as I was looking forward to single player underwater exploration, but I guess I'm fucked on that end for what could be months, maybe years.

GJ devs, smashing job on your indie game!.

This is why I hardly look forward to anything anymore, because it's either fucked or it's super simplified.

At least I can actually play Forged Battalion, another early access game, that actually runs amazingly well on my system, with two competent dev teams behind it. 

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"