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lolita said:
konnichiwa said:

That game was loved by a lot of females.;.=p..

Really? I liked the jobs and battles but the rest was aweful imo. I hated how the characters evolved (Rikku being a slut and annoying and Yuna trying to be like her... WTH?) Paine was hmmm... Okay I guess. It was too goody-goody and girly so in another words, annoying. Also I feel like there was some male fanservice in there...

And all those reasons made me wonder who were they targeting to play with this game? O-o

 Well not of course only females and not all females liked it but there were like a lot of new FF lovers after FFX-2 and those were especially FFX-2 fans....  And you see it also on conventions where a lot wear Yuna-Riku FFX-2 clothes.

Well  I didn't hated the game,  I liked the jobs aswell and I really liked to walk again where you have walked before and see characters back you have met before (Wakka and Lulu and their baby awesome!)...  but overall it will for sure not be a game that I wil remember for the great experience I got with it...

I don't think Rikku changed that much...Yuna really changed a lot though,  from the very serious adult type in FFX to the kiddy type in FFX-2.  

Rikku, Yuna in FFX-2 reminded me of the avarage 13-14 year old girls....Annoying, laughing to much etc;..