So I recently 100%ed Mario Odyssey over the course of 55-60 hours (all named moons, all purple coins, all music tracks, all captures, I'll grind for the remaining outfits when the Feb update lands), and it was goddamn incredible from start to finish (barring some bosses being meh, the 2nd volley ball and jump rope moons, and the 100% reward being kinda meh). It's easily my favorite Mario platformer, probably my favorite 3D platformer outright. It looks great, the OST is goddamn divine (Wooded Kingdom, Break Free, Honeylune Ridge: Caves, and Bowser Battle 2 being my faves) and just running around the worlds is the most fun it's ever been.
I've also played between 10-15 hours of Splatoon 2, and while it's great, does anyone else get hand cramps while playing the game without the Pro Controller (I don't have one, intend to at some point)? I've never had that problem with the original, and I think it's because how short and/or small the right stick is. Additionally, I think the soundtrack's juuuuust a touch weaker than the original. That aside I am enjoying it greatly. I'm around halfway through the final area in the campaign and am hoping that the final boss is anywhere near as great as the first's.
Haven't started Xenoblade yet, as I want that to be my sole focus and I'm still finishing up Assassin's Creed.