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DonFerrari said:
OTBWY said:

"I have quite good contents on VR and no interest in Skyrim or the previous Elder Scroll games, so nope, not an absolute buy... Driveclub VR and RE7 are certainly must buys.... some would also say there isn't much of interest to buy on Switch, but they would certainly be attacked as haters."

I think you should buy it since you already have mentioned about every good title on the system that isn't a glorified tech demo. It is a must have for PS VR as far as i'm concerned, since it's a solid solid game. Good that you mention the Switch version, i'll address below.

"It just seems you really don't have that much experience with it. Even watching 3D movie is a much better and different experience on the VR than using regular glasses."

If were talking about PS VR specifically, I don't own one. I will admit that (since I don't think it's worth it yet) but I have tried it many times since someone very close to me, a family member, has one. I am not impressed because I think the tracking on the thing is subpar. But I was spoiled by better more expensive VR alternatives.

"So you are one of those guys that say have every single platform as an excuse to attack things?"

I never said anything like that. For example, I don't own an Xbox One. And I don't know anyone close to me that has one for me to try out extensively. That's why you don't see me in Xbox threads.

"If an experience is different how is not new? You can't be different while being the same. And you are really not favoring your argument when you say you can't have an enjoyable experience with PSVR (or that is VERY DIFFICULT to have)."

Because something new means it has to absolutely be something "as opposed to". To say that something different is not the same as new. It's just a different way to do the same thing essentially. In this case it is different in the sense that it has controls and a VR experience opposed to other versions. VR isn't new and the control scheme isn't new. It has been implemented in other games, hence the argument.

"Please post your trophy achievements on PSVR titles for us to see all your extensive experience with it, preferentially including Skyrim that you seem to already have tested and know it isn't a new experience on the title."

No, I won't. Not going to share anything personal like that with strangers on a forum to win an argument.

"And I don't remember seeing you complaining and attacking people that said being portable was enough reason to buy skyrim in gangbuster. "

To address the Switch version. I never brought it up. You brought it up. I only talked about the sales of it, but I said nothing about that particular version. And If you want my opinion on it, it's the same. I am not going to pretend that it's a new experience because it's portable. It's just different, as opposed to other versions of the same game. My argument stands.

Have tried Elder Scroll games (and other WRPG) not my type of game, unfortunately. I believe the experience is superb and even better on VR, but not my cup of tea.

Thanks that you at least admitted to not have a PSVR. And sorry but quick expositions aren't the same as really immersing in some games, and also it will depend on the game you play.

Thank you for saying you don't pretend to have systems to talk bad about them (even though you had left the impression that you do own several VR systems, but think the idea is bad, so that was the classic pretense to have systems to say they are bad without backlash).

You are trying to spin your way out using semantics... nothing can be different by being the same, so sorry for you, your spin won't work. Being new doesn't mean being opposite. Or is PS4 opposite to PS3, that is opposite to PS2, etc? But they are new systems. Sure PSVR isn't new, nor I know of Skyrim doing something that wasn't done before on VR. But still it's a new way to play SKYRIM, that was his point.

Since when a gamertag is personal? Are you afraid to be exposed to not having played what you say you do? Mine and a lot of other users tags are here on the site.

I brought the Switch version, because I don't remember you on the thread talking about it complaining to people that justified the buy of it by it being portable.

The reason I think people with PS VR should get Skyrim is because there's very little else besides a handful of full games and a ton of fully priced tech demo's.

You don't have to take my word for it, but I did get some decent time playing Skyrim VR, because it really interested me. I love Skyrim so much that I wanted to have a go. But like I said, it is not a new experience for me. But besides that, even if I hadn't played it, it wouldn't affect the argument. The argument is still if Skyrim VR is a new experience.

I do own some VR systems (even GEAR VR that came with my S8), just not PSVR. I love VR, so I don't know where this argument comes from that I have anything against VR.

How in the world is that spin? It is Skyrim right? So it cannot by definition be a new experience since it is a different approach to an old experience. The follow up to that is that VR gives the new experience ( with tracking and motion control etc), but since many VR games already have this experience it makes the "new" moot. IF by your definition it IS a new experience, then the Switch version is ALSO a new way to play SKYRIM. It is that same argument that I disagree with.

I simply do not share anything like that with people I don't know. It is something that I only want to share with friends. If others share it on this site, then that's their choice. But even so, I wouldn't be able to show you anyway as you should already know why.

I don't remember any thread, but I do agree with the point that portability is a selling factor. The same way VR is a selling factor. People should buy both, PSVR owners moreso.