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Idk about the future but currently it’s by far the most enjoyable way to play Videogames to me. I don’t think I will ever play a shooter with a controller again where I have to look on a small flat screen to watch a game like I would look through a window and move a analog stick to move a crosshairs that’s fixed in the middle of the screen again though. That just feels extremely bad compared to playing something like farpoint with psvr aim controller.

Currently I game 70% on psvr and 30% on switch (on the go, in bed). I don’t use the ps4 for tv based gaming anymore for 15 months now.


btw: most people that dislike vr havnt tried it yet or suffer from motion sickness on my expierence. I don’t think anybody that has no problem with motion sickness and has a vr headset would prefer playing any game just on the tv.

i do understand those people though, I was pretty turned off from vr after getting motion sick while playing driveclub in the first weeks of ownership as well and almost sold the headset. Luckily I havnt and my body Adepted to the new medium over time, so I don’t suffer from motion sickness anymore :)

Last edited by habam - on 24 January 2018