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Gaming Discussion - Best RPG - View Post

Riachu said:
shio said:
Riachu said:
shio said:

Bioshock was dumbed-down in terms of not having much RPG mechanics, and having lifepods. That in itself in not sinful, though it did hurt the atmosphere.

But in Fallout 3 it is much more different. What Bethesda is doing in nothing more than complete destruction of the series. What Bethesda is doing is:

- Removing all the mature themes such as: xenophoby, racism, sex, slavery, child-killing, prostitution, drug addiction. (Basically a 'Teen-Rated' Fallout)

- Worsening the Dialogue scheme. That is the worst they could have done. Instead of the character having unique dialogue options based on your intelligence, knowledge and skill; now on Fallout 3 every character will have the EXACT SAME DIALOGUES, and the Intelligence only affects what's your success percentage on your dialogues, it doesn't changes the dialogues options. This means even if your char has the lowest intellect, the options will still be the same...

For comparison, In Fallout 1&2 if your character had low intellect it could only grunt and growl to other people because you were a complete retarded. So much fun, some of the NPC's even took pity on you and gave you stuff, while most looked at you with contempt and didn't gave a crap about you for being retarded. You won't see this in Fallout 3.

- Bethesda has lack of artistic and design talent. Which means the famous writing of Fallout 1&2 most likely won't be present in Fallout 3... that totally sucks.

Not only that, Bethesda might give Fallout 3 the Oblivion treatment, and just make half-assed quests. Fallout is a series that's known for having unique content as a strong point: every quest in Fallout 1&2 is unique and awesome in it's own way, while Oblivion's quests are... crap.


Bethesda is making 3 fatal flaws.... Fallout 3 may become a good game, but it won't be a good Fallout. What Betheda is doing is not dumbing-down.... it's complete destruction.

sc94597 said:
shio said:
'Best RPG' is a toss between Baldur's Gate 2 and Planescape: Torment, but I think BG2 edges it.

No JRPG even deserves to be in the top10. Seriously, some people should just 'grow up' already and play PC RPGs (best RPGs)

Sorry, but I get the filling that you are trying to shove your opinion in everybodies faces. Anyway have you ever played chrono trigger? It should at least be in your top ten.

Chrono Trigger and FFVI are in my top20 (not top10), if that makes you happier. I never played extensively Earthbound, so I cannot say about that game.



Racism, slavery, child killing aren't allowed in Teen-rated games? Final Fantasy VII was teen-rated and it dealt with prostitution


Bethesda already stated they're removing all mature themes from Fallout 3, except something about canibalism (probably just 1 quest).

I can't believe some people still think Bethesda are good developers after Oblivion and what they're doing to Fallout 3.

darthdevidem01 said:

pssssst...theres an oblivion Hate Club here...

And rightfully so. Oblivion was very disappointing



Why would they remove mature themes? The game is already garenteed to get an M rating


They're either pushing the game for a Teen-Rated, or they actually believe those themes would put the game AO-Rated (which is total BS, only once a non-porn game was rated AO, and that was because of heavy torture scenes, which Fallout games never had)