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Errorist76 said:
The_Yoda said:

If anything is possible then can VR allow me to experience what something tastes like? What it smells like? how it feels?  VR appeals to just two of the 5 senses so your repeated claim of anything is possible is hogwash as the technology currently stands.  Sorry but this is the type of statement that comes off as fanatical.  As I've stated before I am a person that is interested in VR for some games.


God what a drivel. So whatever tech will be ready, it still won’t be good enough for you. Got it. So you’re criticising people who love VR because they are fans?! Seriously?!

Did you even read the last line , I'll paste it for you and bold it: "As I've stated before I am a person that is interested in VR for some games."

What I am criticizing is the ridiculous claim by Habam of "Cool thing with VR is: Everything you can imagine is possible in VR."  again in it's current iterations not everything I can imagine is possible.  Taste and smell can not be convened in the living room at present. Even touch cannot currently be fully realized.  A little force feed back does not mean that I can feel the difference between silk and stainless steel in a VR setting.  To be crass can VR allow me to know what Pam Anderson's pussy tastes like? The answer is now no and when it comes to taste in particular there is a fair chance VR will never get there. Although very cool in my opinion in no way is "Everything you can imagine is possible in VR."  Agree or disagree?

It is far from drivel, as I've already said VR in it's current form is still intriguing.  I will likely buy PSVR this year for resident evil 7 alone because I think that game would be kick ass in VR.  Don't think because I am criticizing his over zealous statement that i am some hater.  I'm simply calling bullshit on that particular claim as well as a couple other incorrect or cherry picked examples.