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I Perdict said:
Cremator said:
__XBrawlX__ said:
Hmm... even Microsoft jumps on the Wii Band wagon... The only company that really hasn't changed its ways drastically is Sony...

So by SONY copying 360 in having in game music and ingame chat and other things such as XBLA features and achievements that doesn't mean SONY has changed. WOW which cave have you been living in SONY fanboy? SONY is the biggest copycat and everyone knoes that. From HDD, six-axis the PS3 is made by copying everyone else except for bluray and other miniscule things.

HD movies raked in 300 million dollars for Warner last year. If Warner is about 30% of the movie industry that means HD movies pulled in around 1 billion dollars last year. (These numbers are very accurate. Home movies is a 60 bil dollar industry. 1 bil is about 2% which is exactly what the HD movies market share was last year) Also blu-ray has shown to have already shown a huge growth compared to HD-DVD and Blu-ray put together already... There really isnt anything miniscule about those numbers.

As for your other posts... I'll let the sony fans like sc2974 and __XBrawlX__ (Lol) finish you off.

 first of warner is certainly not representing 30% of the industry at least not world wide.... and when they say HD movie it doesn't mean only on Blu Ray support but all other media they are using to distribute their production.... Blu Ray is a transition technology we can't keep stocking data on piece of crap plastic..... well I sure won't...