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rocketpig said:
While online is not a necessity, Nintendo will suffer somewhat down the road if they don't start trying harder to incorporate it.

Just looking at myself, I would have purchased Excite Truck if it had online racing. I would also buy SSBB if it had online fighting. As it stands now, I haven't bought Excite Truck and have no plans to buy SSBB (the only fighting game in years that has interested me). If Metroid had online co-op, I'd preorder it. Right now, I'm not even sure if I'll buy it. I know I'm not the only Wii gamer that feels this way. I'm older and married now. Calling up a buddy and inviting him over to play a video game is not an option anymore.

Not every game needs online and many games would suffer because of budgetary constraints if they tried to add it in at the last minute. But that doesn't excuse Nintendo completely ignoring the online world.

Online also gives a game legs. One of the major factors in me purchasing a game is how much I'll play it. If Forza didn't have online racing, I would have hesitated buying it. As it stands now, I'm eagerly waiting for more tracks and cars so I can give Turn 10 MORE of my money because the online component is so great. I expect to be playing the game a year from now, just as I still play Gears every once in awhile. While many of you write off online gaming because a) you've never tried it or if you have, it's in very limited doses or b) never owned a console that even offered it, you can't possibly believe that everyone else feels the same as you. As time progresses and online console gaming gets better, you will see some companies live and die by their online component, just as you do in the PC world.

Anyway, I don't expect Nintendo to be hurt by online gaming this year or even next. But when 2009 rolls around and XBL and PSN are taking the world by storm with demos, videos, co-op, better graphics, PvP matches, etc., there will be a group of gamers who will turn their backs on the Wii. I've already started to do so. I don't think mine has been booted up in two weeks because I spend so much of my time on XBL.

I think I agree with most of that post. This year I will be starting college (ages 16-18 in the UK), and the college I'm goin to is at least 30mins away by train, and so the people I'm going to be with are going to be living further away, and so having mates round ym house is just not going to be as feasible, doesn't mean it won't happen, but logistically it's harder. Frankly, if a game released in late '08 or early '09 has a co-op/multiplayer, but there's no online version, it's highly unlikely I'm going to buy it, because that's what I'm going to expect from games by then. If Nintendo are putting this off, then I'm going to put off my purchase of a Wii aswell, as PSN and xBox Live already have this in place, so they'll satisfy me of the time being (if the price comes down a bit, and reliability issues become a a thing of the past, I might end up getting a 360).

Yeah, I haven't done any programming, the only person who's done any programming in our family, is my dad cos he's a software engineer, but no, I myself haven't done any programming.

One person's experience or opinion never shows the general consensus

PSN ID: Tispower