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I do not believe this is true. Microsoft does not need this to attract the casual gamer. The casual gamer wants an easy to use and understand input device and pick up and play games. This is what Nintendo has done. The Miis function as in game characters, main character in some games like Wii play and Wii sports or optional characters in Mario Kart Wii and maybe others or as background characters in games like Wii sports and Mario Kart Wii, I do not see this happening with Xbox 360 games. Therefore the gamertag is enough.

I doubt Microsoft would copy the Miis just for the sake of copying. Casual gamers will not be attracted to this nor will core gamers. It always will be about the games and now the input devices. All the other stuff is fluff.

I'm going to go a head and call this info fake.

If Nintendo is successful at the moment, it’s because they are good, and I cannot blame them for that. What we should do is try to be just as good.----Laurent Benadiba