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Nice to see how Phourglass and Itadaki street portable are holding up...!

Phourglass is owning Tprincess all over the place and could very well reach the 1 million mark!...

Itadaki street portable seems to do fairly good for a first entry in the series with 150k and 70k for week 1 and 2 respective.

Katamari cancelled for PS3 would also be news!... And it definitely would be news when word comes out it WILL go to Wii!!!...

PS2 redesign... (Wii-waggle controlls?!... Gdamn i hope not! I hoped that rumour was false cause it sounded really stupid)... For $99 it could help PS2 to keep living healthy until 2008!!!... (And it might even keep outselling its bigger brother... The PS3 until 2008... Which would be very funny)

Another thing: PS2 3th party games tend to keep having BIG 1st weeks! Which is possibly a sign for more support to stay!... However, the games tend to drop of fast during the course of their lives on PS2 since the introduction of the Wii.

and last: I wanna see some DQ: Wii sales... I heared the game sucked arse!... Maybe that's why there aren't many reviews... So they get great first week or something and then to let it drop like a stone XD...  I have bigger props for Resi4 Wii edition...! (Hope the game keeps doing a steady 4-6k a week!)