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habam said:
John2290 said:

That's taking it a bit too far, these days we can rarely speculate past a decade in most fields of tech. One things for sure, the traditional screen is going nowhere and while there are 2d screens there will be people who make and play games on them. Think of it akin to when games went from 2d side scrollers to the illusion of 3d space with polygons. It'll take a a generation to get there it the same way, a lot of tech is shifting in the same way it did back then and it's even harder to keep up with which direction it will go so 5 years to a decade is far enough to be looking forward if even that. 

So you think a scenario like in "ready player one" is impossible?


BTW: In terms of tech. Nobody is really using old mobile phones anymore. Got basically completly replaced by smartphones (or at elast 90+% so far) in just 10 years. So who knows.

Old tech is tough to kill. Some people still use fax and pager today you know. Maybe not a wide market but enough to still making them