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Chazore said: 

I find AR to be more interesting than VR, especially considering the price and what that tech can do.


That's a whole new level of AR for me and it blew my mind seeing it happen. All in real time and during daylight.


Well AR definitly has some potenial for production and stuff (so workers see their instruductions all the time and that stuff) but its hard to implement in gaming. Pokemon GO was a cool idea but thats basically already where the technology ends (though doing it with glasses instead if phones would be better).


I also dont think that most gamers wont enjoy VR or wont think its the best way to play games. Its more a fact that (with current low sales) many people just havnt tried it yet. There may be 30, 40 mio people that actually got the chance to try it so far. Thats basically it.

If you see people reacting to VR, in most cases they are blown away and find it far more enjoyable then watching stuff just on a tv.

Here are 2 example:


And Mobile VR (far inferior to psvr and co)


Or just do research for yourself: