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LuccaCardoso1 said:
sabastian said:
I just saw a video of Michael Pachter where he stated in quote, " If Nintendo released a cardboard box, the fanboys would probably eat it up" LOL

The Labo isn't a cardboard box. It's a video game that uses cardboard to create different gameplay options. Why is it so hard for people to notice the difference?

Using the same mindset, you could say that people spend thousands of dollars on cars, that are just metal boxes. And that makes no sense at all.

I think that people do notice the difference. Unfortunately, the narrative that some on here are trying to push is that Nintendo fans are sheep and they will buy anything that has a Nintendo logo on it. With Labo, it becomes easier to push that narrative by ignoring the fact that this entire concept hinges on software and the Switch to bring it all together. By ignoring these key elements in order to push that narrative, they are attempting to make that Labo come across as Nintendo only selling you a piece of card board at a high price. This narrative of course falls apart when you realize that you can take any card board box and use the schematics for the parts to create your own unofficial Labos and they will do absolutely nothing because you need the software that is key for the interactive bits, a Switch to run the software on, and the Joy-Con's IR camera and motion sensors to provide the system and the software input and/or be as a means of moving the Labo creations. So while the aforementioned narrative might be amusing for a quick laugh, it is hardly accurate nor does it properly represent what this product is.