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killeryoshis said:
Ryng_Tolu said:

Huum, i think you does not realize how big Mario Odyssey actually is. it is true, 2D Mario are bigger than 3D Mario, the point is that even Mario Odyssey is way bigger than all the others Mario 3D...

Saying Mario 2D will outsell Odyssey because Odyssey is a 3D game, is like saying *insert game* will outsell Breath of the wild because of Zelda standard sales...


Mario Odyssey has already sold 3 million in USA alone, WW is probabily 6/7 million sold and 7/8 million shipped, and that's in only 3 months... (2 months and 1 week to be precise).

That's an insane attach rate, and of course when a launch title is so close with the actual console sales, it means the legs are gonna be insane. I predicted 15 million at first for Mario Odyssey, but right now..... 20 million looks realistic.


Now, if you think 2D Mario will beat this, i surely can see why, but "blow past" that is not gonna happen.

Mario Odyssey is a big game. No doubt. However you are severely underestimating how good a 2D Mario game can do. We are talking about 30+ million sales series here. NSMBWii was incredibly popular back in the day. However I would consider its performance handicapped. Thing is that Nintendo has not been treating 2D mario games with the respect it deserves. Here is an analogy using the Zelda series. 

Imagine that instead of Breath of the Wild we got Skyward Sword Switch. Skyward Sword Switch will have the same worlds,music,story and characters as Skyward Sword on the Wii. The only difference is better graphics and level design. Now imagine if  Nintendo released Skyward Sword 3DS just 3 months earlier. The main gimmick of Skyward Sword 3DS is that you must collect a bunch of rubies to get a secret ending of sorts. However Nintendo says its a different game since the level design is different and all. However it uses the same worlds,music,story and characters. I don't know about you but I would be pretty mad about this if I was a Zelda fan. This is how 2D Mario fans feel about the series. NSBWii is lucky in that it didn't feel the fatigue yet. Despite that the game feels stale and unambitious because in a lot of ways it just feels like the DS game but blown up into a Wii game. 

A proper 2D Mario game with the love and care as say Super Mario bros 3 or even Galaxy will blow Mario Odyssey out of the water. A proper Zelda like Breath of the Wild blew up the sales. I expect them same thing to happen to 2D Mario if given the same respect. 

mario kart on wii did 37 million, i think its safe to say mario kart 8 deluxe which blew away mario kart wii in quality will not touch those sales, probably ever. it's always better to look at the latest entries  of franchise to judge sales, not a outlier.