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^ You don't really need to reply me...


Anyway, I've finished Quantum Break.

The game is shorter than I thought, on my first playthrough and with little previous knowledge (only the trailers and that E3 gameplay on a bridge), I managed to finish it with a 98% completition rate while watching all the TV episodes (maybe about 2 hours in total?) in 14.5 hours. I can honestly say that I was expecting a bit more and that it felt short, althought that last part may also be because I was enjoying the game and didn't want it to end.

So what can I say about it?

+It has a very good story that's well told and has a good ending that leaves enough loose ends to not be infuriating while also giving room for a sequel.

+Acting and cinematics are top notch, and the TV shows are well made.

+The game is very linear. I don't have a problem with it, but it can be a let down for some.

+The time distortion effect is very col at first but, imho, I think that Remedy abuse its use and ends up being annoying and a bit irritating.

+Gunfight is okay and while carrying only 3 weapons isn't a big deal, the fact that you can't freely choose which 3 you carry is frustating.

+Lastly, I hate Remedy for two things:

  1. For making me care, and then kill, a certain character :P. Actually, add also another character.
  2. If a better received game like Alan Wake didn't get a sequel, the chances of getting a sequel for QB are basically nil. Therefore, I hate the loose ends they left.

Despite my complains, I think it's a very good, but not excellent, game. I'll play it again soon to see what happens when you choose the other options and to try to get all the collectibles.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.