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MrBubbles said:
i prefer gamer pics tbh.

 yeah well you are not a casual my friend.... we'll see more and more stuff like that in the future on all 3 consoles.... who ever wants to win the position of multimedia box in the livingroom will have to please the entire family.... not only the gamer in the house... 

that's why i don't really believe the ranking in the console war really matters this gen... we are at the hybrid phase... all the gimmicks of the three platforms are easy to replicate.... but the three companies have different approaches.... nintendo is 100% on the gaming side... introducing gaming to casual..... Sony is 100% on the hardware offering the ferrari with it's specs.... MS is 100% on the software side trying to deploy networks and connectivity between what was the PC as a multimedia platform in the office with the console which was the entertainment unit in the living room


nintendo well it's nintendo they have been in the gaming industry for ages (so in your living room) and are decided to stay there in a good position

Sony has been in your living room with other products for a while but has heavy competition on those market and needs to expand with on top the fact that stand alones will tend to disappear.... we'll see more and more all in one

MS is loosing some ground on the PC software industry with general customers against apple with is gaining some momentum on the trend they have started when Job came back and the launch of the iMac and iPod and all related products..... they need new markets and quick or they'll be let behind


I bet R&D is going crazy for all three companies as we speak.... because no matter what next gen won't be only about consoles and gaming but all bunch of stuff we can't even imagine yet....

this 10 min documentary explains how fast the world is moving today and it's not about to slow down... what's true for us as individuals is true for corporations too... why do you think MS is buying out companies everywhere right now ??? for the documentary it's not focused on gaming but it's related to the issues we are all facing at the 4 min mark is the part most interesting for us...