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I have never played the game. Saw videos about it from all the talk and it looks like a slow-paced game. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild is a slow-paced game. 60fps for Zelda just don't make since. I can see a fast-paced racing car game like Forza benefit from 60fps. There is no facts about what I'm saying or nothing really to sink your teeth into, but I almost certain it's not that big of a difference. Having never played the game I prefer to play it as originally as possible when it comes to the 30fps. In 1080p the Switch version should give it a cleaner look then the Xbox360/ Playstation 3 version. Then there is the portable with the Switch version that I can take on the go. I mostly don't play handheld but its a good feeling to know I have the choice. I'm still not sold on buying the game yet, but it will be the Switch version.