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Gaming Discussion - Best RPG - View Post

Riachu said:
shio said:
'Best RPG' is a toss between Baldur's Gate 2 and Planescape: Torment, but I think BG2 edges it.

No JRPG even deserves to be in the top10. Seriously, some people should just 'grow up' already and play PC RPGs (best RPGs)
You should grow up for being bias towards JRPGs. I played a couple a PC RPGs(Fable, Mass Effect, if those count). Fable was great and all but it just didn't live up to the massive hype. Mass Effect was an even bigger disappointment IMO. The story was great(from the 5 hours I played of it anyway) but horrible combat, technical bugs and unintuitive interface just completely ruined what was suppose to be a revolutionary game. That doesn't mean I will avoid PC RPGs completely though as I am looking forward to Fable 2 and Fallout 3(I don't want to hear from nostalgic Fallout fans that it will be crap)


Fable and Mass Effect aren't even in my top20 RPGs. Fable was just an average RPG, and Mass Effect was good but nothing great(what was revolutionary about it?!).  So yeah, you shouldn't base your opinions on those 2 games.

I grew up with JRPGs. I loved Final Fantasy and Wonder Boy, but when I got my second PC and started playing PC RPGs I just found a more deep, fulfilling experience in them. 

I play mostly for the stories, and PC RPGs are known to have the best stories in the genre. Planescape: Torment completely shatters any JRPG in that. Oh, and trust me, Fallout 3 will be just a dumbed-down experience from Fallout 1&2.