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Most of the 'hate' comes from denial of the fact that the PS3 is no longer going to live up to the 70% marketshare PS1 grandfather and PS2 father generations and that the PS3 software line-up is lacking.

Because the PS brand have given most of us great gaming (and arguably the best)memories, everyone associates PlayStation with the best console gaming experience. So to think that Nintendo has mopped the floor up so far, and even Microsoft took loads of the marketshare, it was just such a drastic change in the market that it is just too much to take for the forum members here who trusted in Sony (and thereby bought the console very early at such a high price) to be able to completely overpower the competition with their software titles and hardware capabilities.

You can see this when exclusive PS3 games comes out. There is almost a thread made per review out, and people so hot and bothered with bad titles like Haze, Lair and B titles like Heavenly Sword and Folklore as if to say future games should be inspired by them. In my opinion, they got so much attention because of the 'trust in the PS brand' and Sony under-delivering on their promises. If the said games were to come out in the PS2 era, there was nothing to worry about because there were truckloads of other good games. But now it matters if even one of them doesnt make the cut.

Im glad the fans can enjoy MGS4 now, the first PS3 exclusive to make it into 90%+ territory and from what I have seen and heard, it is a great game. But as much as you guys can cheer this, its been 18 months since PS3 launch and I have already had 4 exclusive experiences at that level already on my 360.

All in all, I am happy that I have not been blinded by this brand trust (I could have easily bought into it as I loved the PS2) and have been enjoying my 360 tremendously since. You can see so many posts now on these forums about people waiting it out for RPGs, big exclusive games, its getting silly when its just further giving evidence of the glaring fact that Sony is under-delivering. If in the next generation,the PS4 is better in the games department than the Xbox720, I would easily switch back to the PS.

(And I just want to commend all the 360 fans on this forum. I know you guys would buy the PS3 (or in fact already have it) if there was a game you really wanted. I cant say the same for most of the PS3 owners, who wont buy the 360 simply because its not a PS3).