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I really have no way of knowing what the deal is, and I don't just mean that from a logical perspective - I also mean it from anger.

Angry that someone is lying here. Because if it DIDN'T HAPPEN...then this guys should be screaming his case that she is wildly lying. And if it did happen then he should basically just acknowledge full out that what he did was awful.

It's these half middle-ground cases that are driving me nuts. I mean how does one inaccurately express that they don't want sex? can you even have good fun sex if the other person isn' know what I mean??? Like if you feel you're getting raped or forced into sex do you have sex to the point where you can actually get aroused, not just physically, but like energetically/movement-wise.

Something doesn't add up here (it feels like it)

and I'm honestly not sure which party is the misleading one. I'm glad the majority of cases don't fall into this category but a few have and it's hard to decipher what's actually going on.