LudicrousSpeed said: So I'm a couple hours into Breath of the Wild. Does the combat get better? Seems like I'm just mashing the attack button over and over. Game is gorgeous. Even when not docked, it looks and plays great. What I really love so far is there is actual, real platforming in the game. You need to plan your climbing or you will fall and die. |
If you just mash the attack button you will become one of those that ends up complaining about weapon durability.
There is a shrine right by the first town they direct you towards that gives a tutorial on fighting methods, such as dodging to the side, backflipping, deflecting with shield and so on.
If you read some of the weapon descriptions you can see that some mention things like "it knocks the shield out of enemies hands" or other tips.
If you just button mash, you will go through a half dozen weapons on a semi decent enemy, more on tougher ones.
This is especially imperative if you are doing master mode.
edit: oh and in that tutorial, use your most pathetic weapon. Heck use a branch if you have it. The enemy is immune to damage and it just there for tutorial reasons. You can whack at it all day and never kill it. It dies when you complete the final tutorial hit. No point ruining good weapons on it, even though it may be tempting to use the new items it gives you when entering the shrine.