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Errorist76 said:

Last I knew voting works by voice, not by land mass.

That's the way it was supposed to work - the EC was supposed to be 1 per senator (2 per state) and 1 per rep (so each state got 3 no matter how small).

You are (based on how it was setup) supposed to have 1 member of the house per 30,000 voters.  This means that places with larger populations were *by design* meant to have a larger voice.  The idea that low population states were supposed to be protected was based on the 'min 3 votes' and the senate - which was always 2 per state no matter the population - thus ensuring that a small state would never have less voice than a big state.

The EC and house though - those were supposed to be pure 'biggest voice wins' types of things - the changes to the house (because of building size) in the early 20th century stopped us from adding more reps - and caused the situation we are in now - which is the *opposite* of how our country was meant to be run.