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Hawkeye said:
I am sure Wal Mart profits. It reminds lapsed shoppers to shop at Wal Mart again for another 6 months, and while they are there they will buy other things. Also Gift Cards are easy to lose.
I would imagine Sony is taking a loss on the MGS4 bundles, but I doubt its more than a $20 loss on each bundle sold. Once they person buying the bundle buys a few games they make it up. Sony's huge deficit comes last year when they sol $600 PS3 at a $200 loss and the $400 PS3's last year at a $300 loss. Sony needs to get more systems sold- which is exactly what the bundle is doing. BTW my loss $ are just guestimates, someone else might know exactly, so if I am corrected they are going to be correct.

Except Sony lost money last quarter.

PS3 almost definitly loses Sony a LOT more then 20 dollars a piece.

The bundle definitly is costing them way more.

MGS4 alone likely costs more... as you'd assume Sony bought the games to bundle.