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ookaze said:
Reading this thread, it's pretty clear to me why people can't understand why the XB360 is not doing good in Japan.
I mean, it's pretty obvious. But the problem is that it doesn't go well with the alternate reality, the utopia of the people for whom the XB360 should be doing well in Japan no matter what. So as reality doesn't go well with their utopia, they make their own BS, and what's more amazing, they're eating it.

And even though it's "pretty obvious" you fail to clearly state that obvious reason in your post.

The problem with MS, is that they often destroy what they partner with. In this case, getting several JRPG companies in Japan to make games for their failure will surely destroy some of these companies. JRPG weren't doing well, and I don't even blame MS for the demise of JRPG game companies. That's the companies' fault for being stupid. Thus, I blame Mistwalker for their demise, that's their fault.

This is the only statement in your post that could even remotely referred to as specifying that "pretty obvious" reason you were talking about at the beginning.
Then please enlighten us: how is MS destroying a company by funding their products and giving them all freedom they need?
The problem is rather that their products will only be available on a platform that is highly unpopular in Japan and therefore will not be recognized by the consumers. That means: if the Xbox were as popular as the Wii in Japan the same behavior of MS (funding a company's products and giving them all freedom they need) would lead to great sales.
In conclusion, what you stated is in no way the reason why the Xbox is not doing well in Japan. What you stated is a consequence of the Xbox's unpopularity in Japan.

Nonsense like "360 is the king of rpg's this gen", or "Japan is even more nationalistic than the USA", or even better, 360 is a reliable console.

This is nonsense, of course (especially since I consider the USA as being among the most open-minded people regarding the acceptance of foreign products). Imho one very important reason is simply that the MS & Xbox brand is not liked by the Japanese people, as stated by many others in this thread. The reasons for that are various and not always that "obvious", imho.