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I'm sure the next generation will be very similar to this one, especially considering hardware improvements will not show as great of increase in outcome as we saw this generation. Not to mention this seems like a heavy generation for the leader, Nintendo, to get confortable and exploit there heavy brand appeal. Meaning they will do the usual upgrades in hardware(more this time) and feature updates, along with some minor "revolutions" to their controllers, ect. While the competition will likely try to tap into that along with hardware improvements.

In the end you get a very similar generation similar to N64 to GC generation. From a Nintendo fan's point of view N6 should be a dream system. From a Sony and MS fan's point of view it could seem kinda dull jumping up to the next generation given that major hardware upgrades will not likely yield amazing outcome enhancements. Not to mention upgrading on a lot of their features is becoming a little impossible given most of their setups are being perfected with upgrades on these consoles. This gives them little features to really expand on and create big marketing features aside from their upgrades to what Nintendo has already made huge. That unfortunately will be their territory which their marketing will be heaviest.

Of course this is all broadly speaking. I have no idea if either 3 will take a huge risk and really throw something out there that is truly innovative and new, like Nintendo did this generation. But that is what you would expect for the next gen.