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The 70,000 Metal Gear Solid 4 bundles supplied by Sony sold out immediately and with no confirmation of further shipments, it is expected that the hardware boost will be short-lived and PS3 sales will return to normal levels within the next couple of weeks.

I'm confused how this is possible. First of all, is this worldwide, or in North America only? Either way it doesn't seem to add up. A couple weeks ago we learned that two online retailers in Canada, and, sold at least 8,000 bundles between them. That's online only, Canada only. I've also heard reports of larger stores each stocking about 30 units on launch day. There are 4300 Wal-Marts alone in North America, and even if we suppose they each only got 10 units, then we've already accounted for most of those 70,000. What about every other retailer, small and large? And god knows how many units the major American online retailers like moved.

 Am I missing something? How does this add up?