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Pemalite said:
o_O.Q said:


that's an improvement... you spent the last few replies posting evidence that you claimed showed scientists have modeled a singularity

I think you are a little bit "simple".
Scientists have a model. It's called the "Big Bang Theory" - Which is a model that dates back to the earliest known periods, right up to today.

It has supporting evidence like the Cosmic Microwave Background and the expansion of the universe from a single point.

o_O.Q said:


lol this is ironic given the context

It really is considering all the empirical evidence I provided prior. 

If you are happy living in ignorance, who am I to argue?


o_O.Q said:


you claimed initially that atheists countries have a record of advancing human rights and claimed that you have examples...

And I provided Japan as an example.

o_O.Q said:


your previous reply claimed that i am anti science for saying that some aspects of evolution can be debated... wtf lmao

I asked if you agree with the theory of Evolution and Natural selection. - You replied that some aspects can be debated.
Ergo, one can assume you disagree with some aspects. (Although, you didn't really get into any intricate details, but that is fine.)

I came to the conclusion that you are anti-science for all your rhetoric in this entire thread in general... The fact you believe the laws of Physics are broken and need to be rewritten is just icing on the cake.

o_O.Q said:


so here you are again claiming that you have links that verify that scientists have modeled singularities again

 Before you reply with things... Please go read the evidence I presented and educate yourself.


o_O.Q said:


can you name the aspects of science that i do not believe in?

Sure. Certain aspects of Evolution and Natural selection for starters? :)

Or hows about the fact you believe all our knowledge regarding the natural world should be scrapped and remade?


o_O.Q said:



i do believe in the scientific process and have already posted in this thread that i think its the best tool we have for evaluating the universe

And yet... You want to ruin it all.

o_O.Q said:


lmao singularities break the laws of physics


Prove it. Provide evidence.
Don't just assert some bullshit and run.


"It has supporting evidence like the Cosmic Microwave Background and the expansion of the universe from a single point."

so i'm just going to conclude that you do not have evidence that scientists have modeled a singularity despite claiming so


"It really is considering all the empirical evidence I provided prior. "

for what? so far you have not backed any of the claims you made to me


"And I provided Japan as an example."

japan despite the problems they have is not an atheist country, its a secular country... 


"I asked if you agree with the theory of Evolution and Natural selection. - You replied that some aspects can be debated.

Ergo, one can assume you disagree with some aspects."

i made the reply i made not because i disagree with any particular aspect of evolution but because i understand that science is about constant refinement and enquiry

apparently you disagree with that

the attitude you showed btw is why people burned witches in the dark ages ( people refusing to remain open minded and assuming the knowledge in a particular area is perfect and needs no discussion )


"The fact you believe the laws of Physics are broken and need to be rewritten is just icing on the cake."

i said singularities break the laws of physics... wtf


"Sure. Certain aspects of Evolution and Natural selection for starters? :)

Or hows about the fact you believe all our knowledge regarding the natural world should be scrapped and remade?"


which aspects? and when did i say the our knowledge needs to be scrapped and remade?


"Prove it. Provide evidence. "


In the centre of a black hole is a gravitational singularity, a one-dimensional point which contains a huge mass in an infinitely small space, where density and gravity become infinite and space-time curves infinitely, and where the laws of physics as we know them cease to operate.