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If FF7 were released today, with modern graphics, instead of 1997, I could see it getting 81-82 meta. That's how much certain modern reviewers hate JRPGs. 

Barkley said:

For comparison with another console though, 3ds only had 16.

pokemon x/y
pokemon sun/moon
pokemon OR/AS
Xenoblade Chronicles 3D
Dragon Quest VIII
Bravely Default
Etrian Odyssey IV
Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse
Shin Megami Tensei IV
Persona Q
Etrian Odyssey 2
Bravely Second End Layer
Dragon Quest VII
Etrian Odyssey Untold: Millenium Girl
Etiran Odyssey V
Pokemon Ultra Sun/Moon

18 if you count Mario & Luigi games, and 20 if you count monster hunter as well.

So I would say Switch will make the over 20 mark, I think it'll have more than the 3ds, as it won't just get handheld games.

Don't forget SMT: Devil Survivor 2 Record Breaker. Also, Strange Journey Redux and Radiant Historia are likely to get 80+ metas when they launch this year. 

So if we take out Monster Hunter, but include the Mario and Luigi games we are at 19. After the final two games, later this year, we should be at 21 hopefully.