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The Switch might just break the world wide sell-through record for any console's first 52 weeks.

First 52 weeks world wide sales: (the Wii is still the crown holder at this moment)

Wii - 14,519,705

3DS - 14,361,871

PS4 - 14,238,195

DS - 9,290,236

PSP - 8,069,020

XOne - 7,768,163

PS3 - 6,004,047

X360 - 5,943,800

Wii U - 3,900,583

Vita - 3,829,432

To go from NINTENDOOMED to new world record will be quite the sight.

Nintendo just needs to keep production piping hot Nintendo Switches to Japan for an easy win.

Flop to the top, Nintendo Switching it up.
