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yushire said:
lolita said:
yushire said:
Whats with the Zelda thing anyway? Is it because Ninty fanboys have glimmer of hope when Nintedo announced a franchise game even with whats going on with the GC against the PS2? Seemed like it, Im sorry but I've seen Nintendo E3 2004 and its quite boring unlike the E3 2006 one.

It has nothing to do with what you said. It's called a dedicated fanbase cheering for their favourite video game series. Have a problem against that?

Go troll elsewhere please.

Why would I troll in my own thread? Anyway I just cant figure out how Zelda announcement be that exciting? Sorry no Zelda fan I only play Zelda on SNES and Twilight Princess right now but I never seen chanting when Halo 2 or halo 3 announced in Xbox or 360 or even MGS4 in PS3. Is it because of element of surprise?


Exactly you're not a Zelda fan. And maybe it was an element of surprise. Remember when they shown a tech demo of the gamecube? There was an awesome Link and Ganon fight. Afterwards, Wind Waker came out and people really didn't like the new artstyle (at first). It was shoking.

I guess that when they showed Twilight Princess, with the same music as Ocarina of Time's trailer, and the more realistic style back, people just were so happy to see that... It's the magic and epicness of Zelda. Also Miyamoto being there and all that was quite cool.

And even if you created that thread doesn't mean you can't troll in it. ;)