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Sansui said:
I'm on the fence about buying Fable 2. The first one was a decently fun game, but action RPGs aren't my favorite fare.

I ultimately found Oblivion to be pretty, but too exhausting to play. I already work one job, don't need a second.

Graphics wise, I think Fable 2 looks great. Ratchet and Clank and Uncharted are both good looking games, but they're not as good as what we're seeing in Fable 2. I don't know how anyone thinks Mass Effect looks better...

As an artist myself, my own tastes lie towards distinct and stylized design. World of Warcraft at its release in 2004 was not a powerful game in terms of its graphics, but its overall art direction and design were superb. Fable 2 is showing itself to make excellent use of its engine with wonderful art direction as well.

Still not sure I'll buy it tho :P

Buy it.

Starcraft has spoken.

Seriously, it'll be awesome. 

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