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Well this is long and drawn out. But I think before we can Science or Religion (believe in something) we must have intellect. God, if that's what you believe, gave us this intellect. He did as much as set up the game of Life and we're the ones in charge of playing it. You can use your intellect to enforce your science or religion on others. Should you with out asking? Well that's where morals come in and another slew of religions/beliefs. The best that I can do personally is collaborate as best as possible with my fellow Man and Woman to discuss the things that come up and come to agreements. But as you get more and more people and more disagreements we tend to conflict. That's why we think we have borders. You believe what you want over there and we'll agree to disagree with our border over here. But then you have local disputes and uprising. At the end of the day society can't help that people are different. People think differently. That's a fact of life we will always have that right/wrong possibility. Good/Bad. Good/Evil. Dark/Light. Positive/Negative. That's how our atoms are built. With friction. It seems as though with this friction that life/death is possible. I guess try to find some balance along the way before the next Big Bang.