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o_O.Q said: 

yeah i get that but i'm more talking about aspects like the singularity, which is said to be an infinite point of mass and is a point where the laws of physics and mathematics no longer work

We're talking about the concept of a "belief" or "faith" in science.  The singularity is a mathematical consequence of some models we use to describe the evolution of the universe.  That doesn't mean that a singularity actually occurred though.  I don't think we will find any cosmologist who says, "I believe in the singularity" or "I have faith in the singularity" because there is no evidence to debunk/support it either way.  We continue using the model until we find evidence that disagrees with it, then we update or replace the model.

Pemalite said:
o_O.Q said:


can you link me to something where scientists claim they've been able model a singularity using the hadron collider?

Are you trolling? Legitimate question.
Because if you have to ask that... Then you have completely missed the point of smashing particles together.


The LHC and other particle colliders are used to observe characteristics of elementary particles like quarks, leptons, etc..  Although these properties are significant after the Big Bang, they aren't supporting or debunking the mathematical singularity.