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Barkley said:

20.2m for 2017 nice. That's the first time a console has sold over 20m in a year since the DS in 2010.

Where's that irstupid guy! He called people delusional for expecting the ps4 to sell as well in 2017 as 2016 because the Switch/XBO X would cannibalise it's sales! That's a strong word to throw around considering it's sales went up by 2.6m!

That was his theory.... Its good to have theories :)
He thought that PS4 would have much tougher competition this year (and it has), but it didnt really effect them much.

NSW ~13m?
XB1 ~7m?
PS4 ~20.2m

13+7 = 20m  vs PS4.
PS4 basically just did in a year what the other two did combinded.

Next year Switch should be up, by decent margin, so that won happend next year, but still... its impressive.