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Microsoft/343i massively dropped the ball with Halo 5 and deserve all the criticism they got.
The important take away from it all is that I hope Microsoft/343i took that criticism on and used it to make Halo 6 a much better release... And for christ sake I hope they ditch their lootbox/microtransaction garbage, it adds nothing to the game.

343i has been listening to fans about what they want for Halo 6, and I think the main stuff they already announced for it is the return of split-screen and a Master Chief focused campaign, so I'm confident that the game will be much better than Halos 4 and 5.

Unfortunately I'm pretty sure they won't drop the REQ packs since it generated a lot of revenue for MS/343, but I could be wrong. Let's wait for what E3 has to offer for us regarding this game.