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Aeolus451 said:
Nuvendil said:

Corelation does not equal causation.  Microsoft benefited, they were producing an exceptionally similar product.  Nintendo did not, they sidestepped MS and Sony in their entirety.  If Sony had done better, MS would have suffered, Nintendo not so much.  

Also, you are talking about the sales the PS2 got going somewhere.  But the sales of Gen 7 vastly eclipse Gen 6.  260+ million vs less than 200 million.  So the 7th gen totalled out with over 60 million additional sales.  That's where the Wii got its numbers. New customers, second console sales.  Not sales taken from Playstation.  MS got those.  

PS home consoles are generally the most popular consoles and they tend to outsell the competition 2 to 1. Sony overpriced the hell out of the PS3 so alot of people didn't buy it for a long time. Years worth of PS like sales went somewhere and it wasn't just the 360 (as you can see with it's sales). Most of it went to the wii. Sorry but nintendo marketed the wii to casuals, not the typical gamer or nintendo fan. It got what sony lost that gen. Nintendo home consoles don't sell anything close to what the wii did, so something out of the norm happened in the gen with the wii in it and that was the one time sony fumbled one of it's home consoles. You can't explain that by saying nintendo sidestepped sony and ms when it can't even compete against sony's home consoles most of the time.  

MS got the vast majority of Sony's lost sales.  It's patently obvious.  They produced a very similar product, they are in the most direct competition.  If Sony had done better, they would have gotten the lead.  I think probably 120 to 130 million.  Xbox 360 reduced to 40 million.  Wii still nearly the same.  Cause something unusual did happen.  Nintendo tapped into the "cool tech" craze with the motion controls.  They came it with agressive, high quality marketing.  They launched with a GotY title out the gate and closed out its first 12 months with another one.  They came in at a far lower price than the competition.  They side stepped competition with a unique product.  There's numerous reasons the Wii was a sales success.  You keep saying "Nintendo consoles don't sell like that!" but you don't ask why.  The why is what matters. 

But you also have to face the reality that the PS3 wasn't going to match the PS2.  Xbox at the time came on strong.  The 360 was always going to be Sony's biggest competitor up to that time.  Strong third party relations, exceptional design, powerful hardware.  Sony hadn't faced an unhindered oponent up to that time.  Nintendo and Sega thoroughly sabotaged themselves.  And MS with the Xbox also had some key issues holding them back.  The 360 was the firdt unrestrained oponent they faced, they were destined to lose some sales to them, just a question of how many.