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Disclaimer: I am not an Xbox owner so this is just my "outsider" opinion.

I'm not sure where the X1X fits into a cohesive strategy for Microsoft. Sure, it's a big increase in raw horsepower (and that's always nice) but at $499 this late in the generation it just doesn't seem to make much sense to me. Existing Xbox one owners may be tempted to upgrade, but it seems unlikely that a lot of first-time Xbox buyers will drop 500 bucks to jump into a console generation that has what? 2 years left before the next-gen machines start rolling out?

And speaking of next gen (assuming late 2019, into 2020) what is MS going to do now that they've just released a significantly upgraded current gen console in the X1X? Do they expect all the X1X owners to eat that $499 purchase and buy *another* new console in less than 2 years? Do they expect the X1X to seriously compete with whatever shiny new tech the PS5 brings to the table? It just seems like MS have put themselves into a really awkward marketing position with the X1X. And lets not forget that all of the potential upcoming compelling games that could help push X1X sales will also be available on Windows 10. That's even less reason for new customers to jump into a console purchase.