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I'm fine with them listing Gaming Addiction as a disorder. It's obvious that someone who never bathes, is unemployed, and plays video games 12 hours out of the day has a problem.

What I'm not fine with is the potential for doctors with a bias to misdiagnose.

"What's that? Johnny spends 4 hours a night playing on XBL with his friends, and 16 hours on the weekends?Well Mrs. Johnnyson, as a certified medical specialist I can say that your Johnny has a serious problem playing 36 hours a week on games! What's that? He's a B student, and has plenty of friends at school? Those friends all play with him on XBL every night? Doesn't matter! He's clearly addicted and you should throw his Vidya game Xboxes out right away!"

*Two weeks later the same helicopter parent is complaining that Johnny spends all his time on some other random hobby.

"Doctor all he does is play MTG/DND all day! He's addicted again! Why can't he do something healthy like football? I mean that's a perfectly safe sport right?"