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I say 6.  Because there are so many factors and expectations in the production of a video game that far more possibilities exist on the low-end of the scale.  I believe there is an industry-wide implied metric of "if a game is playable."  Does it function in an engaging way, does the menu do what is expected, does the gameplay do what the devs intended, are the levels fleshed out, does it run well on the hardware it is intended, is it consistent throughout the course of the game, and thus does it warrant a purchase consideration.  Average or not, if it doesn't meet all the aspects that would fit into that criteria, then it should be below average.  Once a game meets those, then and only then can it be determined to be and weighed on being average or perhaps more.  Everyone knows to stay away from games that are less than 6, or even 7, or even 8, because of the varying opinions surrounding these reasons.