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PS360ForTheWin said:
do you work for a nuclear power firm or something soleron?

 No - I'm not trying to "lie about how safe it is" - it IS safe. The connotations of the word 'nuclear' shouldn't be applied in this case - it is about as damaging to the environment as solar power. I'm trying to convince people that it is the most promising technology and also making the point that the US has cut all funding for it.

" Right now, they're working on building a space elevator. I don't understand completely, but the potential difference generated enough energy that it burned out the little robot that was supposed to be weaving the anchor lines for the thing. If you place a series of these so they form geosynch orbit and then attach a ring around them, you can just siphon off excess potential difference. "

That sounds awesome. I assume the energy is 'really' coming from the Sun unevenly heating the upper and lower atmosphere, because you can't get free energy, but if that is true it is better than what I have suggested. Of course, a space elevator is awesome anyway because we could put stuff in orbit for free*.

*As in, bring stuff down like minerals from asteroids to create the force needed to pull the stuff we want up.