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Gameplay is great.

Cutscenes, not so much. They mix some great cutscenes in between complete shit cutscenes while all of them enjoy writing that I could have turned in to my creative writing class... In the third fucking grade. Terrible.

I'm actually kinda digging the story. What I'm not digging is Kojima's method of taking what should be a simple 30 second scene and turning it into a six minute shitfest that explains the same point over and over and over and over and over and over again. Maybe if you're as dumb as a stump and like being treated like a child, you'll appreciate this game's dialogue.

For those of us with a brain, a more sparse approach would be appreciated. There was one scene that I had figured out within one minute of the scene's start... The problem is the rest of the scene told me nothing more than I already figured out and Kojima rambled on about bullshit for over 8 minutes after that. Maybe some people like being spoon-fed intent... I. Do. Not.

Presentation is great, though. I still love the little touches in the game.

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