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mrstickball said:
I must ask, have you ever played alot of online gaming? If you haven't, thats like saying you don't like the Wiimote without ever using it. Online gaming shouldn't be a required thing that companies just throw in there. Not every game should have, or need online multiplay. However, it's a certain good addition to any game that has multiplayer intentions.

I fear that in the end, Nintendo is making a stupid decision by not having much of it's library online. Everyone argues that the Wiimote is a more immersive experience (which I won't content), but major online multiplaying is just as important. If multiplaying wasn't so popular, we wouldn't see a game like World of Warcraft have more online subscribers than any other service/game in history (and almost as many Wii owners, btw).

Your whole post made sense but I am just commenting on this part, I have played many online games: City of Heroes/Villian (lvl 40 Mastermind/Villian), World of Warcraft (lvl 35 Mage), Star Wars Galaxy (lvl 28 Jedi), Halo 2 (Xbox), Call of Duty 2-3 (Xbox 360), Gears of War (Xbox 360), and it's another war game that was 360 can't think of the name though. I'm not saying that online is a bad thing or that it's a step in the wrong direction, but I am saying that I don't think it's required. I don't think that a home console without ANY online would lose that many sales. And people who WoW play it online because that's the only way to play it, what I mean by that is you can't compare games that have no single player campaign to games that are built for online. Plus, PC is different from home consoles. I'm just comparing home consoles.


Edit: Halo 2 made me hate online gaming on the Xbox, but I did enjoy playing Call of Duty 3 online.